Introducing Transporter, a new bridging app powered by CCIP. Go cross-chain.


CCIP Supported Networks Mainnet

The configurations detailed on this page refer to token pools and CCIP rate limits. Each supported token has a token pool to facilitate various operations for transferring token value, and to enable rate limits on token transfers. There are rate limits for each individual token pool and also aggregate rate limits that apply to all supported tokens on a particular lane. Both types of rate limits have a maximum capacity and a refill rate.

This page also lists the supported fee tokens for each lane, which shows how you can pay for CCIP fees. The CCIP Billing page explains how CCIP fees are calculated.


Ethereum mainnet
Router address 0x80226fc0Ee2b096224EeAc085Bb9a8cba1146f7D
Chain selector 5009297550715157269
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0x5149107...cF986CA
WETH 0xC02aaA3...C756Cc2
ETH Native gas token

Ethereum mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0x3df8dAe2d123081c4D5E946E655F7c109B9Dd630
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xA0b8...eB48 6 N/A N/A
AUDF 0xd2a5...456b 6 1,000,000 AUDF
11.57 AUDF/second
Ethereum mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0x91D25A56Db77aD5147437d8B83Eb563D46eBFa69
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
SDT 0x7396...DB2F 18 500,000 SDT
138.88 SDT/second
WMTX 0xDBB5...39D7 6 5,000,000 WMTX
231.5 WMTX/second
rsETH 0xA129...e5A7 18 200 rsETH
0.011 rsETH/second
mwBETH 0xE46a...Bc10 18 100 mwBETH
0.00926 mwBETH/second
Ethereum mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x925228D7B82d883Dde340A55Fe8e6dA56244A22C
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
5,000,000 USD
Refill rate
1389 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
NUON 0xCA16...4958 18 100,000 NUON
55.55 NUON/second
suUSD 0x8BF5...A5A8 18 200,000 suUSD
2.314 suUSD/second
suETH 0x1c22...28e0 18 150 suETH
0.0017 suETH/second
suBTC 0xe854...F711 18 8 suBTC
0.0000926 suBTC/second
DFX 0x8888...4c60 18 5,000,000 DFX
57 DFX/second
USDC 0xA0b8...eB48 6 N/A N/A
SDL 0xA95C...8C23 18 750,000 SDL
208 SDL/second
wstLINK 0x911D...03da 18 15,000 wstLINK
4 wstLINK/second
SDT 0x7396...DB2F 18 500,000 SDT
138.88 SDT/second
wOETH 0xDcEe...8192 18 1,500 wOETH
0.417 wOETH/second
ETHx 0xA35b...A15b 18 1,000 ETHx
0.056 ETHx/second
rsETH 0xA129...e5A7 18 500 rsETH
0.028 rsETH/second
mswETH 0x32bd...D678 18 100 mswETH
0.00926 mswETH/second
mstETH 0x4944...6Bc0 18 100 mstETH
0.00926 mstETH/second
mmETH 0x8a05...Ad7c 18 100 mmETH
0.00926 mmETH/second
Ethereum mainnet
Base mainnet
OnRamp address 0xe2c2AB221AA0b957805f229d2AA57fBE2f4dADf7
Destination chain selector 15971525489660198786

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
NUON 0xCA16...4958 18 100,000 NUON
55.55 NUON/second
suUSD 0x8BF5...A5A8 18 200,000 suUSD
2.314 suUSD/second
suETH 0x1c22...28e0 18 150 suETH
0.0017 suETH/second
suBTC 0xe854...F711 18 8 suBTC
0.0000926 suBTC/second
LINK 0x5149...86CA 18 50,000 LINK
13.88 LINK/second
USDC 0xA0b8...eB48 6 N/A N/A
Ethereum mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0x86B47d8411006874eEf8E4584BdFD7be8e5549d1
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
5,000,000 USD
Refill rate
1389 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xA0b8...eB48 6 N/A N/A
ETHx 0xA35b...A15b 18 1,000 ETHx
0.056 ETHx/second
rsETH 0xA129...e5A7 18 500 rsETH
0.028 rsETH/second
Ethereum mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x35F0ca9Be776E4B38659944c257bDd0ba75F1B8B
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
DFX 0x8888...4c60 18 5,000,000 DFX
57 DFX/second
USDC 0xA0b8...eB48 6 N/A N/A
AUDF 0xd2a5...456b 6 1,000,000 AUDF
11.57 AUDF/second
Ethereum mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0xCbE7e5DA76dC99Ac317adF6d99137005FDA4E2C4
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
LINK 0x5149...86CA 18 50,000 LINK
4.63 LINK/second
una.USDC 0x66cC...C472 6 300,000 una.USDC
83.33 una.USDC/second
una.WEMIX 0x2624...b1FE 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Optimism mainnet
Router address 0x3206695CaE29952f4b0c22a169725a865bc8Ce0f
Chain selector 3734403246176062136
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0x350a791...8ffa7f6
WETH 0x4200000...0000006
ETH Native gas token

Optimism mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0xD0D3E757bFBce7ae1881DDD7F6d798DDcE588445
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x0b2C...Ff85 6 N/A N/A
Optimism mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0xa3c9544B82846C45BE37593d5d9ACffbE61BF3A6
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Optimism mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x0C9BE7Cfd12c735E5aaE047C1dCB845d54E518C3
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x0b2C...Ff85 6 N/A N/A
Optimism mainnet
Base mainnet
OnRamp address 0x0b1760A8112183303c5526C6b24569fd3A274f3B
Destination chain selector 15971525489660198786

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x0b2C...Ff85 6 N/A N/A
Optimism mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x55183Db1d2aE0b63e4c92A64bEF2CBfc2032B127
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
5,000,000 USD
Refill rate
1389 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x0b2C...Ff85 6 N/A N/A
ETHx 0xc54B...53c2 18 1,000 ETHx
0.056 ETHx/second
rsETH 0x68A9...2B72 18 500 rsETH
0.028 rsETH/second
Optimism mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x6B57145e322c877E7D91Ed8E31266eB5c02F7EfC
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x0b2C...Ff85 6 N/A N/A
Optimism mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0x82e9f4C5ec4a84E310d60D462a12042E5cbA0954
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0x6ff6...3B64 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Arbitrum mainnet
Router address 0x141fa059441E0ca23ce184B6A78bafD2A517DdE8
Chain selector 4949039107694359620
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0xf97f4df...8539FB4
WETH 0x82aF494...23fBab1
ETH Native gas token

Arbitrum mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0x05B723f3db92430FbE4395fD03E40Cc7e9D17988
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xaf88...5831 6 N/A N/A
Arbitrum mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0x79f3ABeCe5A3AFFf32D47F4CFe45e7b65c9a2D91
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
CKP 0x346A...8F1d 18 20,000 CKP
0.23 CKP/second
RDP 0x54BD...c0f6 18 50,000 RDP
0.58 RDP/second
SDT 0x0771...0383 18 500,000 SDT
138.88 SDT/second
LAND 0x27Bc...95d3 18 20,000 LAND
5.55 LAND/second
Arbitrum mainnet
Base mainnet
OnRamp address 0x77b60F85b25fD501E3ddED6C1fe7bF565C08A22A
Destination chain selector 15971525489660198786

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
NUON 0xfb9F...c7F5 18 100,000 NUON
55.55 NUON/second
suUSD 0x8BF5...A5A8 18 200,000 suUSD
2.314 suUSD/second
suETH 0x1c22...28e0 18 150 suETH
0.0017 suETH/second
suBTC 0xe854...F711 18 8 suBTC
0.0000926 suBTC/second
USDC 0xaf88...5831 6 N/A N/A
Arbitrum mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0xC09b72E8128620C40D89649019d995Cc79f030C3
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xaf88...5831 6 N/A N/A
Arbitrum mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0xCe11020D56e5FDbfE46D9FC3021641FfbBB5AdEE
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
5,000,000 USD
Refill rate
1389 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
NUON 0xfb9F...c7F5 18 100,000 NUON
55.55 NUON/second
suUSD 0x8BF5...A5A8 18 200,000 suUSD
2.314 suUSD/second
suETH 0x1c22...28e0 18 150 suETH
0.0017 suETH/second
suBTC 0xe854...F711 18 8 suBTC
0.0000926 suBTC/second
DFX 0x27f4...9E93 18 5,000,000 DFX
57 DFX/second
USDC 0xaf88...5831 6 N/A N/A
SDL 0xdFeA...eEC0 18 750,000 SDL
208 SDL/second
wstLINK 0x3106...72fB 18 15,000 wstLINK
4 wstLINK/second
SDT 0x0771...0383 18 500,000 SDT
138.88 SDT/second
wOETH 0xD872...F839 18 1,500 wOETH
0.417 wOETH/second
ETHx 0xED65...4Dc7 18 1,000 ETHx
0.056 ETHx/second
rsETH 0xe119...4A6B 18 500 rsETH
0.028 rsETH/second
mswETH 0xAbf9...838e 18 100 mswETH
0.00926 mswETH/second
mstETH 0xE367...a8AC 18 100 mstETH
0.00926 mstETH/second
mmETH 0x5d84...C845 18 100 mmETH
0.00926 mmETH/second
Arbitrum mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x122F05F49e90508F089eE8D0d868d1a4f3E5a809
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
DFX 0x27f4...9E93 18 5,000,000 DFX
57 DFX/second
USDC 0xaf88...5831 6 N/A N/A
LAND 0x27Bc...95d3 18 20,000 LAND
5.55 LAND/second
Arbitrum mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0x66a0046ac9FA104eB38B04cfF391CcD0122E6FbC
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0x89F5...98Cd 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Polygon mainnet
Router address 0x849c5ED5a80F5B408Dd4969b78c2C8fdf0565Bfe
Chain selector 4051577828743386545
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0xb089768...120E0F1
WMATIC 0x0d500B1...ADf1270
MATIC Native gas token

Polygon mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0x5FA30697e90eB30954895c45b028F7C0dDD39b12
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x3c49...3359 6 N/A N/A
AUDF 0xd2a5...456b 6 1,000,000 AUDF
11.57 AUDF/second
Polygon mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0xF5b5A2fC11BF46B1669C3B19d98B19C79109Dca9
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
100,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
THE 0x27Df...949D 18 750,000 THE
417 THE/second
LAND 0xC03E...4105 18 20,000 LAND
5.55 LAND/second
Polygon mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0xD16D025330Edb91259EEA8ed499daCd39087c295
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
DFX 0x27f4...9E93 18 5,000,000 DFX
57 DFX/second
USDC 0x3c49...3359 6 N/A N/A
LAND 0xC03E...4105 18 20,000 LAND
5.55 LAND/second
Polygon mainnet
Base mainnet
OnRamp address 0x20B028A2e0F6CCe3A11f3CE5F2B8986F932e89b4
Destination chain selector 15971525489660198786

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x3c49...3359 6 N/A N/A
Polygon mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0x3111cfbF5e84B5D9BD952dd8e957f4Ca75f728Cf
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x3c49...3359 6 N/A N/A
Polygon mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0xFd77c53AA4eF0E3C01f5Ac012BF7Cc7A3ECf5168
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
DFX 0x27f4...9E93 18 5,000,000 DFX
57 DFX/second
USDC 0x3c49...3359 6 N/A N/A
AUDF 0xd2a5...456b 6 1,000,000 AUDF
11.57 AUDF/second
Polygon mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0x5060eF647a1F66BE6eE27FAe3046faf8D53CeB2d
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0x186d...9A1E 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Avalanche mainnet
Router address 0xF4c7E640EdA248ef95972845a62bdC74237805dB
Chain selector 6433500567565415381
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0x5947BB2...13227A3
WAVAX 0xB31f66A...5FD66c7
AVAX Native gas token

Avalanche mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0x8eaae6462816CB4957184c48B86afA7642D8Bf2B
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Avalanche mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x98f51B041e493fc4d72B8BD33218480bA0c66DDF
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xB97E...8a6E 6 N/A N/A
Avalanche mainnet
Base mainnet
OnRamp address 0x268fb4311D2c6CB2bbA01CCA9AC073Fb3bfd1C7c
Destination chain selector 15971525489660198786

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xB97E...8a6E 6 N/A N/A
Avalanche mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0x8629008887E073260c5434D6CaCFc83C3001d211
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xB97E...8a6E 6 N/A N/A
Avalanche mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0xD0701FcC7818c31935331B02Eb21e91eC71a1704
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xB97E...8a6E 6 N/A N/A
AUDF 0xd2a5...456b 6 1,000,000 AUDF
11.57 AUDF/second
Avalanche mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x97500490d9126f34cf9aA0126d64623E170319Ef
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0xB97E...8a6E 6 N/A N/A
AUDF 0xd2a5...456b 6 1,000,000 AUDF
11.57 AUDF/second
Avalanche mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0x9b1ed9De069Be4d50957464b359f98eD0Bf34dd5
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0x9f14...7d0D 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
BNB Chain mainnet
Router address 0x34B03Cb9086d7D758AC55af71584F81A598759FE
Chain selector 11344663589394136015
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0x404460C...2ADBB75
WBNB 0xbb4CdB9...3bc095c
BNB Native gas token

BNB Chain mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0x6aa72a998859eF93356c6521B72155D355D0Cfd2
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

BNB Chain mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x2788b46BAcFF49BD89562e6bA5c5FBbbE5Fa92F7
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
CKP 0x2B5D...A649 18 20,000 CKP
0.23 CKP/second
RDP 0x27c0...77bB 18 50,000 RDP
0.58 RDP/second
SDT 0x0771...0383 18 500,000 SDT
138.88 SDT/second
LAND 0xA731...fA5C 18 20,000 LAND
5.55 LAND/second
BNB Chain mainnet
Base mainnet
OnRamp address 0x70bC7f7a6D936b289bBF5c0E19ECE35B437E2e36
Destination chain selector 15971525489660198786

BNB Chain mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0x4FEB11A454C9E8038A8d0aDF599Fe7612ce114bA
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

BNB Chain mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x0Bf40b034872D0b364f3DCec04C7434a4Da1C8d9
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
SDT 0x0771...0383 18 500,000 SDT
138.88 SDT/second
WMTX 0xDBB5...39D7 6 5,000,000 WMTX
231.5 WMTX/second
rsETH 0x4186...b41F 18 200 rsETH
0.011 rsETH/second
mwBETH 0x7dC9...46c8 18 100 mwBETH
0.00926 mwBETH/second
BNB Chain mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x6bD4754D86fc87FE5b463D368f26a3587a08347c
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
100,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
THE 0xF4C8...3a11 18 750,000 THE
417 THE/second
LAND 0xA731...fA5C 18 20,000 LAND
5.55 LAND/second
BNB Chain mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0x1467fF8f249f5bc604119Af26a47035886f856BE
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0x9816...a88e 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Base mainnet
Router address 0x881e3A65B4d4a04dD529061dd0071cf975F58bCD
Chain selector 15971525489660198786
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0x88Fb150...8C6e196
WETH 0x4200000...0000006
ETH Native gas token

Base mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0xBE5a9E336D9614024B4Fa10D8112671fc9A42d96
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x8335...2913 6 N/A N/A
Base mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0xdd4Fb402d41Beb0eEeF6CfB1bf445f50bDC8c981
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Base mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x1E5Ca70d1e7A1B26061125738a880BBeA42FeB21
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
NUON 0xCA16...4958 18 100,000 NUON
55.55 NUON/second
suUSD 0x8BF5...A5A8 18 200,000 suUSD
2.314 suUSD/second
suETH 0x1c22...28e0 18 150 suETH
0.0017 suETH/second
suBTC 0xe854...F711 18 8 suBTC
0.0000926 suBTC/second
USDC 0x8335...2913 6 N/A N/A
Base mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0xd952FEAcDd5919Cc5E9454b53bF45d4E73dD6457
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x8335...2913 6 N/A N/A
Base mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0xDEA286dc0E01Cb4755650A6CF8d1076b454eA1cb
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
NUON 0xCA16...4958 18 100,000 NUON
55.55 NUON/second
suUSD 0x8BF5...A5A8 18 200,000 suUSD
2.314 suUSD/second
suETH 0x1c22...28e0 18 150 suETH
0.0017 suETH/second
suBTC 0xe854...F711 18 8 suBTC
0.0000926 suBTC/second
LINK 0x88Fb...e196 18 50,000 LINK
13.88 LINK/second
USDC 0x8335...2913 6 N/A N/A
Base mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x3DB8Bea142e41cA3633890d0e5640F99a895D6A5
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
1,000,000 USD
Refill rate
277 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
USDC 0x8335...2913 6 N/A N/A
Wemix mainnet
Router address 0x7798b795Fde864f4Cd1b124a38Ba9619B7F8A442
Chain selector 5142893604156789321
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0x80f1Fcd...4935d69
WWEMIX 0x7D72b22...6eC1C5f
WEMIX Native gas token

Wemix mainnet
Avalanche mainnet
OnRamp address 0xbE0Cfae74677F8dd16a246a3a5c8cbB1973118f4
Destination chain selector 6433500567565415381

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Wemix mainnet
BNB Chain mainnet
OnRamp address 0x56657ec4D15C71f7F3C17ba2b21C853A24Dc5381
Destination chain selector 11344663589394136015

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Wemix mainnet
Arbitrum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x9aBfd6f4C865610692AB6fb1Be862575809fFabf
Destination chain selector 4949039107694359620

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Wemix mainnet
Kroma mainnet
OnRamp address 0x47E9AE0A815C94836202E696748A5d5476aD8735
Destination chain selector 3719320017875267166

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
LINK 0x80f1...5d69 18 50,000 LINK
4.63 LINK/second
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Wemix mainnet
Optimism mainnet
OnRamp address 0x70f3b0FD7e6a4B9B623e9AB859604A9EE03e48BD
Destination chain selector 3734403246176062136

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Wemix mainnet
Ethereum mainnet
OnRamp address 0x190bcE84CF2d500B878966F4Cf98a50d78f2675E
Destination chain selector 5009297550715157269

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
LINK 0x80f1...5d69 18 50,000 LINK
4.63 LINK/second
una.USDC 0xcdf7...572A 6 300,000 una.USDC
83.33 una.USDC/second
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Wemix mainnet
Polygon mainnet
OnRamp address 0x777058C1e1dcE4eB8001F38631a1cd9450816e5a
Destination chain selector 4051577828743386545

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
una.WEMIX 0xF500...6B83 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second
Kroma mainnet
Router address 0xE93E8B0d1b1CEB44350C8758ed1E2799CCee31aB
Chain selector 3719320017875267166
Supported fee tokens
LINK 0xC1F6f76...80BF450
WETH 0x4200000...0000001
ETH Native gas token

Kroma mainnet
Wemix mainnet
OnRamp address 0x3C5Ab46fA1dB1dECD854224654313a69bf9fcAD3
Destination chain selector 5142893604156789321

Aggregate Rate Limit Value
600,000 USD
Refill rate
167 USD/second

Supported tokens

Symbol Token Address Decimals
Rate Limit Capacity
Rate Limit Refill Rate
LINK 0xC1F6...F450 18 50,000 LINK
4.63 LINK/second
una.WEMIX 0xc319...EdF3 18 200,000 una.WEMIX
55.55 una.WEMIX/second

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